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Why is it important for children not to miss school? 

It is very important to have a good education behind you if you want opportunities in adult life. Children only get one chance at school, and your child’s chances of a successful future may be affected by not attending school regularly. 

If children do not attend school regularly they may: 

  • Struggle to keep up with school work.  
  • Miss out on the social side of school life – especially at primary school. Poor attendance can affect children’s ability to make and keep friendships; a vital part of growing up. 

Setting good attendance patterns from an early age, from nursery classes through primary school and on into secondary school, will also help your child later on when they enter employment.  

Make every minute count 

100% attendance 

Attending school every day!   

95% attendance 

10 days of absence 

80% attendance 

40 days of absence.

80% equates to 56 weeks of primary school missed, which is a year and a half of education.  

Being on time is also vital as it:  

  • Gets your day off to a good start and puts you in a positive frame of mind, so that you can make the most of your learning opportunities. 
  • Sets positive patterns for the future. You can't expect to keep a job if you're always coming in late; 
  • Leads to a good attendance record; 
  • Leads to better achievement because you attend the WHOLE of all of your classes; 
  • Leads to understanding that school is important and education is valuable; 
  • Helps you develop a sense of responsibility for yourself and towards others and is a sign of good character; 
  • Is respectful to your teacher and to your friends in class; 
  • Being late for school reduces learning time; 
  • If your child is 5 minutes late every day they will miss three days of learning each year. 
  • If your child is 15 minutes late every day they will miss is 2 weeks of learning each year. 



The responsibilities in relation to attendance are as follows:-

  • Set high expectations for pupil attendance, and monitor individual and whole school attendance on a daily and weekly basis,
  • Identify causes of concern with regard to pupil attendance.
  • Conduct first day response where there is unexplained absence.
  • Invite parents/carers into school to discuss pupil attendance which is a cause of concern.
  • Work with parents of individual pupils to try to improve attendance and punctuality.
  • Work in partnership with East Riding of Yorkshire Local Authority and the Education Welfare Service.
  • To provide attendance data for parents.
  • Promote attendance at all levels.
  • Celebrate excellent and improved attendance

 *Please note schools do not authorise holidays during term time. Please download an 'Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances Request Form' below if you need to request this type of leave of absence during term time. Please see further guidance on this form.


  • To ensure pupils arrive at school on time everyday and that routines are in place at home to support this.
  • To contact school by 9.30am on each day of absence if the absence is unavoidable.
  • To obtain evidence where possible to support medical absence.
  • To avoid term time holidays, and attempt to minimise school time appointments.


  • To arrive at school, on time everyday with correct equipment and ready to learn.
  • Comply with school regulations regarding attendance and punctuality
  • Discuss any concerns they may have with staff regarding attendance and punctuality.


  • The Education Welfare Service will work in partnership to promote and facilitate improved attendance.
  • The Education Welfare Service will work with children and families to ensure their school attendance and safeguarding is maintained.
  • The Education Welfare Service will provide guidance with regards to Children Missing Education.
  • The Education Welfare Service will work in partnership with other agencies and will offer advice and signposting for referrals to appropriate organisations.
  • The Education Welfare Service will undertake legal action on behalf of the school.​

What changes have been approved for Rawcliffe Primary School?

At its meeting on 28 February 2023, East Riding of Yorkshire Council's Cabinet approved the publication of proposals to extend the age range of Rawcliffe Primary School.  Following a period of consultation between 8 March 2023 and 7 April 2023, approval to extend the age range of Rawcliffe Primary School was granted on 3 May 2023 by Eoin Rush, Director of Children, Families and Schools and Cllr Victoria Aitken, Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People's Health and Wellbeing.

East Riding of Yorkshire Council have approved this proposal to allow Rawcliffe Primary School to offer provision for Early Years Foundation Stage 1 children by extending the age range of the school from four to 11 years to three to 11 years.

If you have any queries regarding this change please contact the School Organisation team by emailing

I will let you know if we receive any objections or appeals in the next four week period.

See link below to East Riding Of Yorkshire Council's website for further details.